jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015



This would be a splendid task to do as a collective task, among all of you. Maybe next year:

As time goes by
Straight to my heart
History will teach us nothing (so, in negative: won't teach us anything)
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
If I had a hammer
Don't let me down
Let it be
I wish I could fly
I'd rather be a cowboy
It's up to you
Stand by me

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015




*From that day; from that day ON, or “since that day”

* the last month; LAST MONTH

* history VS story

* "anymore" ((ya)no más), VS "anything else" (nada más)

* if I were a writer I will write…; I WOULD

* I like a lot science-fiction films; I LIKE SCIENCE FILMS A      LOT

* If a write a book, it probably talk about…; IF I WROTE A      BOOK, IT WOULD PROBABLY  BE ABOUT (DEAL WITH)…

* The man who lives here is *for *of Greece: FROM!!!!

* My sister is photographer; A PHOTOGRAPHER

* The people from this city is very friendly; people IN this 
   city ARE very friendly

* Are you look forward to…; looking

* …”she was missing in THE life; in life

* actually vs “at present”

* she is falling FOR HIM gradually; she is gradually falling      in love with him

* other vs another: in other party; at another party

*  She loves scare her guests; to scare or scaring

* while for “since”; while that happened means “mientras…“  and would go together with an –ING form: “while that was happening”. Since:  “desde que”

* she never tells lies again: she has never told lies

* this things; THESE things

* My book would be about the Music during the History;        about Music through History

* since the first rhythms; FROM the first rhythms

* untill and til;  correct are TILL and UNTIL

* like Beethoven, Mozart … SUCH US

* definitely for “definitivamente” ; it means “clearly

* "may" vs "might"; “puede” frente a “podría”

* He is driving out *rarely next week; either one, or the          other. NEVER both!

* He went with his parents to * adopted a puppy; to ADOPT

* They *DID a very big mistake; made

* Wippy can´t will be good:  either one or the other, never    both auxiliaries.

* Now I’m knowing what she means; KNOW (stative verb)

* There is no a boyfriend neither a perfect friend; there is      neither a boyfriend, nor a perfect friend.

* all shorts off; all sorts of

* confronting him about what he’s done: confronting him        with what he’s done

* she ignored the flatmate who had been living for three  years; she ignored the flatmate who had been living  WITH HER for three years; and also, she ignored the  flatmate with whom she had been living for three years

* Penguins live only in the Southern hemisphere; only live

* Peter is a more taller boy in a family of five brothers; is 
   the tallest boy…

* He is the most oldest of their; the oldest of THEM

* His dream is will play; his dream is that he will or may      

* He will can… NEVER TOGETHER (two auxiliaries)

* If I will think to write a book; if I thought of writing a book

* Hugo will loves Angela; Hugo loves Angela, or Hugo will    love Angela

* a boy who must do discover; who must discover, who      
   discovers, who does discover.

* he meets a girl and he fell in love with her; and falls. Or 
   He met a girl and fell in love (concordancia verbal)

* a  boy who must do discover who is the killer of his  best 
   friend; must discover who killed his best friend; has to 
  discover who killed his best friend; must (has to) disco-     
  cover who the killer of his best friend is.

TIP: English never (very rarely) uses the simple present to describe presently ongoing actions.

NOTE: People ARE; Who IS. Always!

* I served to do exercises that you gave the other day; it 
   was useful to me, I found it    useful.

* How much cost these trousers?
* When does Amy  goes to bed?
* Who is talking Mum with?
* What is writing Isabel at the moment?

* What does  writing Isabel at the moment?
* Where do Karen does Aerobics?
* Who does live in Manchester?
* Who is living in Manchester?

* Who are coming...?
* You walk every morning to school?
* Your mother who is talking on the phone?
* Where are they live?

* Where live Trevor and Erika?    
* My parents doesn't sleep at the moment
* She doesn't like the sports; She doesn't like sport.
* Sue isn't like sport
* When take John and Liz dance lessons?
* My mother don't go to work on Mondays
* Is anyone see the doctor now?
* Who is coming to the dinner?

* What time does Amy go to THE bed?
* The children isn't wanting to eat anything at the moment.
* Is your travel family every summer to Canada?

* Why is she wanting to go now?
* Do they have a summer grat this holiday?
* I don't think these shoes aren't fashinable.
* I think she is wanting to come in here...

* In a few  minutes, Samantha and Gus meet.
When take John and Liz dance lessons?
* When are John and Liz take dance lessons?
* What’s you thinking of the film?

* My parents is sleeping now
In this moment my parents are sleep; At the/this 
   moment my parents are sleeping  (or asleep).
* What are happening?

* Who is going to come to dinner?
* When is Amy goes to bed?
* Who did Mum talk on the phone?

EXERCISES: A useful (I hope) web site for exercises and tests

There are many useful websites, I know it may seem like a "informationstorm", but I am sure some of you will apprecciate it (I am too naïv, I know):





This is written by someone who seems to be honest and wise when talking about herself:


martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Quotes I should never forget

Here there is a link of a beautiful blog on quotes (in Spanish). It is worth having a look on it...

Quotes by Thomas Merton:


Here are dozens of splendid thoughts from great minds that may throw some ligh into our lives; they are worth reading.

Here there is a video with some of them:


" 'Tis better to have loved and lost than

 never to have loved at all." - Alfred Lord 


 If you can't remember the stupidest little thing love 

made you do, you haven't loved.   

                               William Shakespeare

"There's no rose without thorns, nor Love 

without pain". 

Tus hijos no son tus hijos
son hijos e hijas de la vida
deseosa de sí misma.
No vienen de ti, sino a través de ti
y aunque estén contigo
no te pertenecen. 

Puedes darles tu amor,
pero no tus pensamientos, pues,
ellos tienen sus propios pensamientos.

Puedes abrigar sus cuerpos,
pero no sus almas, porque ellas,
viven en la casa del mañana,
que no puedes visitar
ni siquiera en sueños. 

Puedes esforzarte en ser como ellos,
pero no procures hacerlos semejantes a ti
porque la vida no retrocede,
ni se detiene en el ayer. 

Tú eres el arco del cual, tus hijos
como flechas vivas son lanzados.

Deja que la inclinación 
en tu mano de arquero
sea para la felicidad

Khalil Gibran

"Lo mejor para la tristeza --contestó Merlín, empezando a soplar y resoplar-- es aprender algo. Es lo único que no falla nunca. Puedes envejecer y sentir toda tu anatomía temblorosa; puedes permanecer durante horas por la noche escuchando el desorden de tus venas; puedes echar de menos a tu único amor; puedes ver al mundo a tu alrededor devastado por locos perversos; o saber que tu honor es pisoteado por las cloacas de inteligencias inferiores. Entonces sólo hay una cosa posible: aprender. Aprender por qué se mueve el mundo y lo que hace que se mueva. Es lo único que la inteligencia no puede agotar, ni alienar, que nunca la tortura, que nunca le inspirará miedo ni desconfianza y que nunca soñará con lamentar, de la que nunca se arrepentirá.

Aprender es lo que te conviene.

Mira la cantidad de cosas que puedes aprender: la ciencia pura, la única pureza que existe. Entonces puedes aprender astronomía en el espacio de una vida, historia natural en tres, literatura en seis.

Y entonces después de haber agotado un millón de vidas en biología y medicina y teología y geografía e historia y economía, pues, entonces puedes empezar a hacer una rueda de carreta con la madera apropiada, o pasar cincuenta años aprendiendo a empezar a vencer a tu contrincante en esgrima. Y después de eso, puedes empezar de nuevo con las matemáticas hasta que sea tiempo de aprender a arar la tierra."

Terence White, The Once and Future King, Putnam's Sons, Nueva York.

He aquí una pequeña fábula que podemos aplicar para ilustrar este caso, ya que la felicidad es la ausencia de la búsqueda de aprobación como necesidad.

Un gato grande vio cómo un gatito pequeño trataba de pescarse la cola y le preguntó: "¿Por qué tratas de pescarte la cola en esa forma?".

El gatito dijo: "He aprendido que lo mejor para un gato es la felicidad, y que lafelicidad es mi cola. Y por eso la persigo y trato de pescármela; y cuando la pesque habré logrado la felicidad.

El gato viejo le dijo: "Hijo mío, yo también le he prestado atención a los problemas del universo, yo también he pensado que mi cola era la felicidad. Pero, me he dado cuenta que cuando la persigo se me escapa y cuando voy haciendo lo que tengo que hacer ella viene detrás mío por dondequiera que yo vaya".

(C. L. James"On happiness". 1912)


"Language most shows a man, speak that I may see thee".

Ben Jonson

Rabindranath Tagore

Mientras somos jóvenes no es que seamos más fuertes (que, ciertamente, lo somos), sino que más bien no somos conscientes de nuestra FRAGILIDAD.

En la vida TODOS tenemos una DISCAPACIDAD, que es la EDAD. Y una gran maestra, en ocasiones muy severa: la VIDA. Ser consciente de ello es únicamente cuestión de tiempo.


Entre Maestros, la película

"Una experiencia educativa sin precedentes"